Like so many others my 2020 summer plans changed drastically at the beginning of this year. Rather than going home to the UK to introduce our new daughter to my side of the family I found myself facing 3 long weeks at home alone with a crawling infant and wild 3 year old. I can’t lie I was nervous.
To prevent total madness setting in we decided to take a few weekend trips to explore other areas of Norway.
Nordfjord one weekend and Stavanger the next, both trips were full of fun, laughter, tears (toddler tantrums are no joke!) and many many hours of driving so of course I had to take some knitting projects along to keep my hands busy.
The first project I worked on during both trips was my mini sorrel sweater which is a child’s version of the beautiful #sorrelsweater by woolandpine. As the pattern is only written for adults I have been winging the measurements to make this fit my 3 year old but so far it seems to going well. For yarn I have been using a beautiful buttery yellow BFL from Veslegarneriet paired with a strand of my own Tumnus (superkid mohair silk) in the colour Lion Song. Together they make the most beautiful cushy fabric perfect for this pattern.
I had big plans to have this sweater totally finished by the end of our trip this weekend but I’m like a magpie when it comes to knitting projects and couldn’t stay focused on it mainly because I was too busy having fun with my new found skill of crochet!
which brings me nicely to my next project, The Battenbug Blanket by Sandra Cherry Heart. Inspired by @Thecornerofcraft and @loftyloops #grannysquareparty on Instagram i finally got round to picking up a crochet hook and properly learning to make granny squares and let’s just say I’m hooked, pun very much intended!
These granny squares are so fun to crochet, perfect to break up the monotony of stockinette. I have been using up my stash of advent minis and sock leftovers which I will pair with a white sock yarn that I got from yarn heaven aka. Spinneriet Gjestdal, a brilliant yarn outlet shop outside of Stavanger.
The last piece of car knitting, I must admit, hadn’t seen much love. I have been working on The Stillness Shawl, a mystery knit along from Curious Handmade but my heart is just not in it, I’m considering frogging it but I adore the yarn it’s in and know it will look amazing once it’s finished.
what would you do? Frog it or put it aside in the hopes it catches my attention again in the future?
yarn used is my lovely 100% Polwarth wool base (Polly).
As we near the end of our summer road trips I’m looking forward to settling back into and heading into Autumn and knitting season! I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on my knitting and crochet progress here and over on my Instagram @through.the.wardrobe.yarnco